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Version: current

Scheduled Meeting - Create a scheduled meeting

This API creates a scheduled meeting. Scheduled meetings are valid until 1 day after the start time of the meeting. Required OAuth scope: meeting:create - To grant permission to create a scheduled meeting.

Header Parameters
    Content-Type string

    The content type should be application/json

    Example: application/json
Request Body
    topic string

    The topic of the meeting

    startTime string

    The start time of the meeting in ISO format

    endTime string

    The end time of the meeting in ISO format

    isPinEnabled boolean

    This boolean indicates whether a PIN is required to join the call.

    advancedOptions object
    joinBeforeHost boolean

    This boolean describes whether to allow users to join the meeting before the host

    waitingRoom boolean

    This boolean describes whether to enable the waiting room for the meeting

    participantHardAudioMute boolean

    This boolean describes whether to hard mute all participants in the meeting

    participantHardVideoMute boolean

    This boolean describes whether to hard mute all participants in the meeting

    isClassroomMode boolean

    This boolean describes whether to enable classroom mode for the meeting



    status string

    Status of the meeting creation.

    meetingDetails object
    _id String

    The meeting id that can be used to update, delete or fetch this meeting

    jiomeetId string

    The 10 digit unique ID of the meeting

    topic string

    The topic of the meeting

    startTime string

    The start time of the meeting in ISO format

    endTime string

    The end time of the meeting in ISO format

    scheduledDuration number

    The duration of the meeting in milliseconds

    meetingUrl string

    The meeting link that the users will use to join the meeting. These users will be guest users and hence wont have any privileges to alter any meeting settings.

    pin string

    Meeting secret that secures the meeting from unwanted access

    status string

    The status of the meeting

    advancedOptions object
    joinBeforeHost boolean

    This boolean describes whether to allow users to join the meeting before the host

    waitingRoom boolean

    This boolean describes whether to enable the waiting room for the meeting

    participantHardAudioMute boolean

    This boolean describes whether to hard mute all participants in the meeting

    participantHardVideoMute boolean

    This boolean describes whether to hard mute all participants in the meeting

    isClassroomMode boolean

    This boolean describes whether to enable classroom mode for the meeting
